Circulating in Portugal

Our Project will have a collective exhibition at Galeria Colorida in Lisbon inaugurated february 20th, 2010. Invitation and vernissage images as follows:

40th. Chapel Art Show invited Project Circulating in Other Dimensions

40th. Chapel Art Show
opening: 15/10/09 8 p.m.
exhibition: October 16th. to 21st. 2009 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Chapel School (Escola Maria Imaculada)
Rua Vigário João de Pontes, 537 Santo Amaro/ São Paulo/SP

Wall instalation with 12 wooden boxes with glass cover each exhibiting one digital print.

Images of the exhibition at Gravura Brasileira Gallery (São Paulo)

Wall instalations with 16 art boxes with folded images.

Exhibition poster fixed on gallery walls


Rua Dr. Franco da Rocha, 61, Perdizes, São Paulo, SP
Tel. 11 3624.0301 / 3624.9193

Working Hours:
Monday to Friday: 10h00 to 18h00
Saturday: 11h00 to 13h00 (Meeting the artists)

Realization: Círculo3 Projetos de Arte e Galeria Gravura Brasileira
Support: APA artistas patrocinando sua arte.
Curator: Regina Carmona

Production and Coordination: Luciano Bortoletto,
Reinaldo Batista e Regina Carmona

Special Support: Christophe Spoto,
Lucila Meirelles e Laurita Salles

Collective exhibition of graphic images in big dimensions.

Launch of art-box in wood with glass cover containing 16 folded images.

Art Project: Circulating in Other Dimensions

Circulating in other Dimensions is an Art Project designed for exhibition and circulation with 16 artists presenting 16 digital prints obtained through various technics.
The images were created using drawing, painting, watercolors, engraving, photography, video and were printed in special printers for big formats allowing different out puts that can be made according to the exhibiition place dimentions.

The project is suitable for small and big places, either open air or closed. From formal galleries to public spaces.


The first exhibition is scheduled at Galeria Gravura Brasileira in São Paulo from april 7 to may 9, 2009 in a small size (wall book instalation with 108 cm X 144 cm images).
Bigger formats are possible since images can be made 144 cm X 216 cm, 288 cm x 432cm up to billboard sizes).
Images and panels can be placed outside (open air).
Assembling and site specific exhibitions can be prepared upon demand and space conditions, including billboards.

Art Products:

Art box made of wood and glass cover with folded printed images (40 cm x 50 cm x 5 cm) allowing rotations of the 16 images.
Printed Image unfolded (108 cm x 144 cm).

Sales at the exhibition, by internet or send a message to this blog.

Image Creation Workshops:
Artists are available for workshops designed on demand.

Meeting the artists – available at the exhibition (saturdays) and upon request.

Image Bank:
Images available for general use and special projects. Please contact us.

Alzira Fragoso
Christophe Spoto
Claudia Braga
Daniel Caballero
Guilherme Dable
Laurita Salles
Luciano Bortoletto
Lucila Meirelles
Márcia Rosa
Natalia Corte Real
Regina Carmona
Reinaldo Batista
Renata Barros
Roberto Fabra
Rosa Esteves
Solange Sandoval

Realizaton: Círculo3 Projetos de Arte e Galeria Gravura Brasileira
Support: APA artistas patrocinando sua arte.
Curator: Regina Carmona
Production and Coordination: Luciano Bortoletto, Reinaldo Batista e Regina Carmona
Special Support : Christophe Spoto, Lucila Meirelles e Laurita Salles

For sales, special projects, doubts and requests:
(55 11) 3869.9785

Artist's Resumes

Alzira Fragoso, artista plástica, ilustradora, gravadora. Participou de várias mostras nacionais (MAC-USP, MAC-Ibirapuera, Pinacoteca de São Caetano do Sul, Pinacoteca de Piracicaba, SESC Pompéia) e internacionais (500 anos do Brasil em Portugal, Salon d´Automne na França). Obra em acervo público.

Christophe Spoto, artista formado pela escola de Arte de Massa, Itália. Pintor e gravador, dedica-se a pintura têmpera com terras e minerais. Sua poética de cores e formas da natureza ganhou grande projeção na mostra do MAC – Poéticas da Natureza. Coordenador, curador e conselheiro da Sec. Cultura de Araraquara e do Territórios da Fundart.

Claudia Braga, artista plástica e arquiteta pela USP, Mestre pela UFSC, faz gravura, escultura, cenografia e arte pública. Expôs em 27 coletivas e individuais. Tem esculturas em exposição permanente no acervo público de Sorriso, MT. Professora do Centro Universitário Belas Artes e no Atelier Orozimbo. Participou do "Etnias" (2008), coordenado por Maria Bonomi Criou e coordenou com Isabelle Benard o PAC "Toda Criança tem Direito" (2007/8).

Daniel Caballero, artista plástico paulistano, trabalha com assemblage, pintura, foto, video, comics,grafite e instalação site specific. Tem como temática predominante as relações de convívio no espaço urbano, questões religiosas e ecológicas. Htpp://

Laurita Salles, printmaker and multi-media artist. Received the Vitae Fine Arts Fellowship in 1998. Professor of Printmaking in the Fine Arts Faculty of the FAAP- Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation, Sao Paulo and Camilo Castelo Branco University . Participation in exhibitions, biennials and relevant projects at the contemporary scene. Works in public and private collections.

Luciano Bortoletto, born in Igarapava (São Paulo), graduated in Plastic Arts, exhibited his works in São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, São José dos Campos, Bauru, Sto. André, Atibaia, Piracicaba, Londrina and Curitiba. Works with graphic images and billboards.

Lucila Meirelles,Videoartist,Born in São Paulo, 1953. Graduated in History. She is awarded several international and national prizes with the videos:
“Pivete “ ( Boy of the sreets ) “Crianças Autistas” ( Autistc Children )
“Cego Oliveira no sertão do seu olhar” ( Blind Oliveira in his desert sight ).
She participated in international video art exhibitions as The Kitchen ( New
York ) Manifestation Internationale de Video e Télèvision ( Motbeliárd )
The Black Asthetic ( Washinghton ) pacific Film Archive Berkeley.

Natalia Corte Real, artista plástica, formada pela FAAP. Exposições: Pintura da Parede do Diretório Acadêmico Anita Malfati – FAAP; Espaços Plurais, Casa do Lago Unicamp; 39º Anual de Artes Plásticas FAAP; Entretiras, Espaço Círculo 3; Do lado de Lá, Museu de Arte Brasileira MAB; 10 a Mil, Escola São Paulo. Diferente, exposição no ateliê próprio.

Regina Carmona, plastic artist with masters in Visual Poetics from the University of São Paulo. Present in important exhibitions, biennial and art projects in Brazil and Sanskriti Kendra (India), Tescani Foundation(Romenia), art research and symposium in Finland, Slovack, Spain, Israel and others. Works in public and private collections. Coordinates Círculo3 Art Projects. (sept/dic. 05; jan.06; april08)

Reinaldo Batista, portuguese-brazilian plastic artist with masters in Visual Arts from Santa Marcelina Faculty (São Paulo). Develops his research through painting, drawing and digital image manipulation from the barroque and tile patterns (portuguese and arab).

Renata Barros, multimedia artist, is distinguished in the contemporary scene, with expositions and projects since the 80s, in important collective and individual worldwide. She studied in at Sorbone and FAAP, gained prizes and stock markets. Worked and lived in Berlin and Colonia Germany, and in other cities of the Europe. Has workmanships in public and private quantities in Brazil and abroad.

Roberto Fabra, vive e trabalha em São Paulo.Formado em Marketing e Design de Moda. Graphic Design e Home Pages na St. Martin School of Arts London, Academia de Arte Riewld Amsterdã, Polytechnics London e Senac São Paulo. Participou do projeto Livre Arbítrio no B_arco e Galeria Virgilio, Presente Fidalga no Sesc Ribeirão Preto.

Rosa Esteves, artista plástica, trabalha com fotografia, gravura, objeto escultórico e performance. Participou de mais de 50 exposições coletivas e 14 individuais, no Brasil e exterior. Atua, desde 1981, como museóloga no Museu Lasar Segall.

Solange Sandoval, artista plástica pela Faculdade de Belas Artes de São Paulo. Trabalha com desenho e aquarela. Expôs no 12o. Salão Paulista de Arte Contemporânea, 39 Chapel Art Show, Presente Fidalga, Sesc Ribeirão Preto e "Livro Arbítrio" no espaço B_arco.Integrante do Ateliê Fidalga.


Alzira Fragoso

Christophe Spoto

Claudia Braga

Daniel Caballero

Guilherme Dable

Laurita Salles

Luciano Bortoletto

Lucila Meirelles

Marcia Rosa

Natalia Corte Real

Regina Carmona

Reinaldo Batista

Renata Barros

Roberto Fabra

Rosa Esteves

Solange Sandoval